• August 28, 2018

    Is Your Child Having Trouble with Writing?

    Is your child having trouble with writing?

    If you ask your child what he or she likes about school, is writing the very last on the list?

    Many children dislike writing or find it very difficult. Why is writing so hard? The issue with writing is that it requires so many skills to work simultaneously.

    For example, your child has to be able to tell a story (Narrative Coherence), express his ideas (Expressive Language), remember words and how to spell them (Visual Encoding), use fine motor coordination skills to physically write letters (Handwriting & Dexterity), and to stay calm in the face of frustration and difficulty (Self-Regulation & Anxiety).

    It can be hard to determine why a child is struggling with writing. If it is possible to narrow down the causes of writing challenges to one or two of the areas mentioned above, it will be easier to target the right intervention. Parents and teachers can help a child achieve success by targeting the area of need. Interventions for challenges with story telling are different from interventions for challenges with handwriting, but both can make writing challenging.

    At Cleape.com, all of these skill areas are described, including what you can do to help https://cleape.com/learning/writing/

    If you continue to have concerns about your child’s writing or other struggles in school, CLEAR Child Psychology can help.

    Started by the psychologists who authored CLEAPE, CLEAR Child Psychology is a primarily web-based psychological practice founded in Broomfield, CO with the goal of making Clinical expertise accessible and reliable (CLEAR). Clear launched services summer 2018 with the mission to: Shorten the time from first concern to diagnosis, free families from the burden of unknowing, and connect kids with the help they need to lead happy lives.

    Call or contact CLEAR today to schedule a $99 consultation with these psychologists to identify strategies and resources to support your child. You can receive help within the same week, at times on the same day you call.

    Call 303-222-7923 or contact us on www.clearchildpsychology.com

  • August 23, 2018

    How Do You Find a Psychologist?

    For a long time, psychologists were expected to treat clients only within the state that the psychologist and the client reside and/or have an office.

    For example, let’s say a psychologist lived in Ohio but practiced in Pennsylvania. He or she would need a Pennsylvania license but may also have an Ohio license for consultations in that state.

    A psychologist could petition to a state board to practice in a nearby state, even without that state’s license, for up to 30 days per calendar year.

    With the popularity and growth of telepsychology, clients wish to seek services from providers in other states.

    In turn, providers wish to help clients no matter where they live. Some states have more rural areas, and it may be hard for a family to find a provider with expertise that they need.

    The Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards or ASPPB is working to create an E-Passport, which will allow states to accept interstate credentials for practice without a long credentialing process. This E-Passport will make sure that families and individuals can seek services quickly and without hassle and that providers are skilled and maintain appropriate licensure.

    For now, an Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate or IPC allows psychologists to practice in 7 states for 30 days per calendar year without seeking special permission from the state board.

    Currently, an additional 6 states are passing or have passed legislation accepting interstate practice from clinicians who meet stringent criteria as a psychologist. When additional states pass this legislation the E-Passport will become active legislation and be available for psychologists to apply.

    Where can CLEAR Child Psychology offer services?

    We each have an Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate (IPC) from the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB).

    At this time, based on the laws of interstate practice, CLEAR Child Psychology can offer services to clients who reside in the following IPC states. We expect that this list will grow quickly to include other states and jurisdictions as the E-Passport legislation moves forward.

    These states have agreed to interstate practice for 30 days per calendar year without first requiring a psychologist to petition the board. If you or family/friends reside in one of these states, reach out for consultation, CLEAR Child Psychology can help!

    Services can be scheduled easily and quickly to meet your needs. We hold licenses in Colorado and Dr. Kroncke also holds a Georgia license meaning that we have more freedom to practice for an unlimited amount of time in these states. With the IPC we can also work for 30 days per year in:

    • Georgia
    • Idaho
    • Kentucky
    • Mississippi
    • New Hampshire
    • Ohio
    • South Carolina
  • August 15, 2018

    Parent-Teacher Collaboration: What to Expect and How to Make the Most of Your Relationship

    The idea of parent/teacher meetings can be scary or uncomfortable for parents, particularly when your first child is starting school. It’s your first time navigating parent-teacher relationships.
    CLEAR Child Psychology offers five points for you to consider as your child begins school. Here’s what you should do in those first weeks or months!

    One, get to know your child’s teacher at the beginning of the year. Go to any offered open houses or school tours to meet school personnel. Familiarize yourself with the school and school community.
    Early exchange of information about your child should be positive from teachers and parents. Help your child’s teacher get to know all the wonderful things about him or her and build a relationship before addressing any unique learning needs.

    Two, if you can, volunteer occasionally in your child’s classroom. These opportunities are another way to understand the classroom and to get to know teachers and aides.
    Even spending an hour there once a month will help you gain a better understanding of the classroom structure, flow of the day and other requirements.

    Three, teachers and parents should have open email, note or phone communication so that a child’s needs are met through collaboration.
    Some classrooms will have websites with information about what the children are learning and links to homework and enrichment information.
    Parent-teacher meetings will go more smoothly if you know something about the lessons, homework and day-to-day classroom schedule and interaction.

    Four, as a parent it is important to go into a meeting with your own questions.
    Be prepared to listen to your child’s teacher and also have information to share or questions to ask about assignments, classroom behavior and aptitude.
    If you have concerns that your child is struggling with certain material, share them with his or her teacher so you can be on the same page.
    At the same time, hear a teacher’s praise and concerns, thinking all the time about collaboration to meet your child’s needs.

    Five, Collaboration is key. If you have ideas about what works for your child at home, share those and expect that your child’s teacher will share what works at school.
    For strategies on specific concerns you may have for your child, see www.cleape.com.

    If you come into a parent-teacher meeting with a few ideas for your child’s learning, it is more likely that your child’s teacher will share his or her ideas and collaborate with you to best support your child. Win-win!

    School and home collaboration is the most effective way to support learning and troubleshoot concerns.

    We hope your child has a wonderful school year!

  • August 7, 2018

    Back to School Transitions

    Wondering how to get your child ready for school this fall?

    As a parent, you know your own child. You know how he or she copes with transitions.

    Whether this is your first year of school or your child is going into 5th grade, some children struggle with the end of summer and the start of the school year.

    At times, schools offer camps or activities toward the end of the summer that take place at school. These opportunities can be helpful ways to gradually transition your child back to the school setting.

    In the absence of camps or sports activities that get a child back into school, consider other ways to support your child in the weeks leading up to school starting.

    First, think about bedtime, wake time, and lunchtime.

    Summer schedules change as children attend camp, go on vacation, go to the pool or stay up late to watch those summer action movies.

    Try to set up a consistent schedule that closely matches your school schedule.

    Gradually ease your child or children back into a regular routine so that they are not shocked when school requires earlier mornings and rules around snack and lunchtime.

    Next, take advantage of any opportunity to introduce your child to his or her new teacher in advance. Preferably, find a quiet time to meet the teacher, see the classroom and even find his or her seat or cubby can help a lot.

    Give your child a chance to see the structure and expectations, read any classroom rules or see the daily schedule.

    Allow your child to tell the teacher about interests, favorite classes, etc. Even 15 minutes to get a glimpse into the school year may help your child get off to the right start.

    While not every child in the class may have such an opportunity, request this brief meeting if you know your child struggles with transitions back to school.

    Every teacher wants to get the year off to a good start. Your child’s teacher should be open to meeting him or her in advance to improve the probability of a successful first day.

    Usually, schools are happy to accommodate you on a teacher training and set up day.

    Finally, try to plan some play dates with school friends in the weeks leading up to the transition. See if you can find out who is in your child’s class.

    Otherwise, meeting with students in and around your child’s grade level, even to play on the school playground, if accessible, can help your child turn his or her focus back to the fun aspects of school and things to look forward to in the new school year.

    Sometimes, difficulty with transitions can be related to general flexibility. Parents might find this article helpful to learn more about helping your child be flexible. https://cleape.com/organizing/flexibility/

    If you continue to have concerns for your child, call CLEAR Child Psychology to schedule a consultation.

    We hope your child has a smooth transition and a great school year!


  • July 31, 2018

    How www.cleape.com Can Help Educators

    What is CLEAPE?

    Cleape, Knowing What’s the Matter, is a free tool developed to help parents and educators understand a child’s learning needs.

    Developed by clinicians who have worked in schools and who have expertise in areas like school psychology, speech and language pathology, behavioral analysis and occupational therapy, CLEAPE helps parents and educators collaborate and address learning needs.

    What will I find on CLEAPE?

    www.cleape.com has 99 articles on specific concerns a teacher or parent may have for a child. All the articles are free. Each article contains research-based tips and strategies an educator can try in the “What to do” section.

    CLEAPE provides references at the end of each article with up-to-date research.

    References also include books and resources a teacher could use and share with a family or parent to help meet the learning needs of a child.

    Why was CLEAPE developed?

    The MTSS (Multi-tiered Support System) process can feel daunting, which is why CLEAR Child Psychology offers this free resource to encourage collaboration and the use of research-based strategies to meet the needs of a child.

    Reliable information at your fingertips to meet professional requirements

    As classroom teachers know, when parents and/or teachers have concerns for a child, they are required to implement interventions in the classroom that are research-based to address a specific learning need.

    Teachers are required to progress monitor to see if interventions are helpful and to determine if additional supports like a Section 504 Plan or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) are necessary to help a child succeed.

    Access targeted strategies, web-based interventions, and resources

    At times, parents and teachers will find that a child has needs that require a special plan or other team members like a Speech Pathologist or School Psychologist. Share https://cleape.com/professionals/ with parents.

    At other times, teachers and parents will find that a few targeted strategies make all the difference. See https://cleape.com/moving-sensing/handwriting/ for children who have sloppy handwriting. This article provides many strategies a parent and teacher can use to address this issue and help children improve their writing.

    If a child is struggling to learn to read, this article provides helpful web-based interventions and strategies to try as well as resources for parents to seek outside tutoring if reading challenges persist https://cleape.com/learning/basic-reading-skills/. We know from the research that early intervention from parents and teachers for reading leads to the best outcomes. A combination of school support and home support can help a child make faster progress.

    Sometimes a child has a few social challenges that are not evident until he or she is expected to be successful in a classroom. A teacher can provide a parent with great resources to practice social skills by providing this article https://cleape.com/socializing/parallel-play/. Social skills are another example of a skill that responds best to early intervention and strategies from parents and teachers.

    Together, we can improve student outcomes!

    We hope this free resource will lead to early interventions and better outcomes for your students. Please share www.cleape.com with your colleagues.

    Collaborations with parents can improve student outcomes. Please share www.cleape.com with parents at your school.

    Last but not least… Connect with CLEAR

    You are not alone. Be in touch with the clinicians who created www.cleape.com by visiting our sister site www.clearchildpsychology.com. We are available to provide professional development to educators, in addition to other supportive services.

  • July 24, 2018

    Is your child constantly worrying about everything?

    Is your child constantly worrying about everything?

    Is he saying ‘what if’ all the time?

    Is she always worried that something bad will happen to her parents?

    Is your child unaware that these imagined catastrophes are unlikely to come true?

    Some children are very sensitive and internalize many worried thoughts and feelings. Children who worry a lot may have a sensitive temperament.

    In some cases, a child may have what psychologists call generalized anxiety.”

    The good news is that while anxiety is often readily contagious among family members, anxiety is highly treatable.

    Family strategies, as well as individual supports for your child, can make a big difference for anxious kids.

    The other good news is that www.cleape.com has a variety of free resources that address anxiety.

    Written by licensed clinical psychologists, www.cleape.com guides families to the resources they need to get help for their kids!

    The information is free, reliable, and accessible.

    Here are a few articles about anxiety in children.






    Additionally, CLEAR Child Psychology can help.

    From the authors of CLEAPE, based in Colorado, CLEAR is a primarily web-based clinical psychology practice making clinical expertise accessible and reliable (CLEAR).

    CLEAR launched this summer with the mission to help 1 million families take a clear leap forward and find the right help for their kids’ mental health, developmental and educational needs.

    Call or email CLEAR today to schedule a web-based consultation with the licensed clinical psychologists who developed the CLEAPE model.

    Consultations can be scheduled quickly, sometimes within the same day. The cost is $99 for an hour of personalized time with experts focused on helping your family succeed.

    CLEAR can help. Receive expert strategies and direction to resources for your child quickly and from the comfort of your own home.

    We will help you take a CLEAR LEAP forward!

    Call: 303-222-7923

    Email: dr.harrison@clearchildpsychology.com

    Website: www.clearchildpsychology.com


  • July 19, 2018


    Is your child not sleeping?

    If your child isn’t getting a solid night’s rest, chances are you aren’t either.

    But what can you do?

    Information abounds for parents of babies and toddlers who are not sleeping through the night.

    But what about for parents of 8-year-olds, 10-year-olds, middle schoolers, and high school kids?

    Where can we turn for help?

    When one child in the home is not sleeping, it can wreak havoc on the whole family.

    You may be bleary-eyed and exhausted. Your other kids may be grouchy and short-tempered. Your kids may be falling asleep in language arts class.

    It can all start because one family member just can’t seem to get any Zzzzz’s.

    Turn to www.cleape.com, a free mental health framework for parents and professionals.

    Written by licensed clinical psychologists, www.cleape.com guides families to the resources needed to get help for their kids!


    You will find no ads, no pop-ups. Just free, reliable, and accessible information.

    Check out the Sleep Problems page to help your child (and the rest of the family!) get some rest.


    Need some guidance in moving forward? Not sure what to do next?

    CLEAR Child Psychology can help.

    From the authors of CLEAPE, based in Colorado, CLEAR is a primarily web-based clinical psychology practice making clinical expertise accessible and reliable (CLEAR).

    CLEAR launched this summer with the mission to help 1 million families take a clear leap forward and find the right help for their kids’ mental health, developmental and educational needs.

    Call or email CLEAR today to schedule a web-based consultation with the licensed clinical psychologists who developed www.cleape.com.

    Consultations can be scheduled quickly, sometimes within the same day. The cost is $99 for an hour of personalized time with experts focused on helping your family succeed.

    CLEAR can help. Receive expert strategies and direction to resources for your child quickly and from the comfort of your own home.

    CLEAR Child Psychologists can help you with strategies and resources to help your child get some Zzzzz’s!

    And that’s something we can all rest easy about!

    Call: 303-222-7923

    Email: dr.harrison@clearchildpsychology.com

    Website: www.clearchildpsychology.com



  • July 10, 2018

    Authors of Cleape Launch Psychology Practice: Clear Child Psychology

    Summer 2018: Grand opening for new psychology practice from the authors of Cleape. CLEAR Child Psychology is based in Colorado, but is a primarily web-based clinical psychology practice that makes Clinical expertise accessible and reliable (CLEAR). A team of psychologists started full time this summer with the mission to help 1 million families find the right help for their kids.  Visit the site at clearchildpsychology. To learn more about what psychologists do see https://cleape.com/professionals/licensed-psychologist/.

    Here on cleape readers have FREE access to a wide variety of resources and psychological information. For example, learn about processing speed and what it means for your child here https://cleape.com/understanding/processing-speed/ 

    Cleape is free and will always be free. CLEAR is a psychology business offering up fee-based services for kids and their parents who have concerns about mental health, development, or education.

  • November 6, 2017

    We are presenting CLEAPE on Saturday at CSSP

    This Saturday (11/9-11/11) in Beaver Creek for CSSP, our team will be presenting on using the Cleape model as a hypothesis testing framework. Rather than puzzling at the many reasons why a child might struggle with writing, School Psychologists and other mental health professionals can identify root causes through a simple framework of related symptoms. Our presentation will help professionals identify interventions, accommodations, and services to address writing problems. We will be doing the Thursday evening event, an exhibit table all day on Friday, the Friday night event, and then a workshop presentation on Saturday morning (11/11). I hope to see you up there or read it for yourself here:
