• August 28, 2018

    Is Your Child Having Trouble with Writing?

    Is your child having trouble with writing?

    If you ask your child what he or she likes about school, is writing the very last on the list?

    Many children dislike writing or find it very difficult. Why is writing so hard? The issue with writing is that it requires so many skills to work simultaneously.

    For example, your child has to be able to tell a story (Narrative Coherence), express his ideas (Expressive Language), remember words and how to spell them (Visual Encoding), use fine motor coordination skills to physically write letters (Handwriting & Dexterity), and to stay calm in the face of frustration and difficulty (Self-Regulation & Anxiety).

    It can be hard to determine why a child is struggling with writing. If it is possible to narrow down the causes of writing challenges to one or two of the areas mentioned above, it will be easier to target the right intervention. Parents and teachers can help a child achieve success by targeting the area of need. Interventions for challenges with story telling are different from interventions for challenges with handwriting, but both can make writing challenging.

    At Cleape.com, all of these skill areas are described, including what you can do to help https://cleape.com/learning/writing/

    If you continue to have concerns about your child’s writing or other struggles in school, CLEAR Child Psychology can help.

    Started by the psychologists who authored CLEAPE, CLEAR Child Psychology is a primarily web-based psychological practice founded in Broomfield, CO with the goal of making Clinical expertise accessible and reliable (CLEAR). Clear launched services summer 2018 with the mission to: Shorten the time from first concern to diagnosis, free families from the burden of unknowing, and connect kids with the help they need to lead happy lives.

    Call or contact CLEAR today to schedule a $99 consultation with these psychologists to identify strategies and resources to support your child. You can receive help within the same week, at times on the same day you call.

    Call 303-222-7923 or contact us on www.clearchildpsychology.com

  • August 15, 2018

    Parent-Teacher Collaboration: What to Expect and How to Make the Most of Your Relationship

    The idea of parent/teacher meetings can be scary or uncomfortable for parents, particularly when your first child is starting school. It’s your first time navigating parent-teacher relationships.
    CLEAR Child Psychology offers five points for you to consider as your child begins school. Here’s what you should do in those first weeks or months!

    One, get to know your child’s teacher at the beginning of the year. Go to any offered open houses or school tours to meet school personnel. Familiarize yourself with the school and school community.
    Early exchange of information about your child should be positive from teachers and parents. Help your child’s teacher get to know all the wonderful things about him or her and build a relationship before addressing any unique learning needs.

    Two, if you can, volunteer occasionally in your child’s classroom. These opportunities are another way to understand the classroom and to get to know teachers and aides.
    Even spending an hour there once a month will help you gain a better understanding of the classroom structure, flow of the day and other requirements.

    Three, teachers and parents should have open email, note or phone communication so that a child’s needs are met through collaboration.
    Some classrooms will have websites with information about what the children are learning and links to homework and enrichment information.
    Parent-teacher meetings will go more smoothly if you know something about the lessons, homework and day-to-day classroom schedule and interaction.

    Four, as a parent it is important to go into a meeting with your own questions.
    Be prepared to listen to your child’s teacher and also have information to share or questions to ask about assignments, classroom behavior and aptitude.
    If you have concerns that your child is struggling with certain material, share them with his or her teacher so you can be on the same page.
    At the same time, hear a teacher’s praise and concerns, thinking all the time about collaboration to meet your child’s needs.

    Five, Collaboration is key. If you have ideas about what works for your child at home, share those and expect that your child’s teacher will share what works at school.
    For strategies on specific concerns you may have for your child, see www.cleape.com.

    If you come into a parent-teacher meeting with a few ideas for your child’s learning, it is more likely that your child’s teacher will share his or her ideas and collaborate with you to best support your child. Win-win!

    School and home collaboration is the most effective way to support learning and troubleshoot concerns.

    We hope your child has a wonderful school year!

  • July 26, 2018

    Toilet Training Trouble?

    Just the mention of toilet training brings anxiety and exhaustion to the minds of many parents.

    Toddlers are stubborn. They are still developing emotion regulation skills. They are still developing coordination and body awareness.

    Toilet training can be a nightmare for some children.

    In other instances, children may have learning or developmental needs that lead to further delays in toilet training.

    Whether your child is 3 or 7 years old, toilet training can be hard and stressful.

    You may feel tied to your kitchen or backyard because going anywhere means a messy accident and lots of judging eyes.

    What can you do?

    Turn to www.cleape.com, a free mental health framework for parents and professionals.

    CLEAPE provides useful information on toilet training, authored by developmental psychologists who work with typically developing and developmentally delayed children.

    Most children can learn to use the toilet, even children with delayed language or very rigid behavior.

    These articles may help parents navigate the challenging task of toilet training.



    Need some guidance in moving forward? Not sure what to do next?

    CLEAR Child Psychology can help.

    From the authors of CLEAPE, based in Colorado, CLEAR is a primarily web-based clinical psychology practice making clinical expertise accessible and reliable (CLEAR).

    CLEAR launched this summer with the mission to help 1 million families take a clear leap forward and find the right help for their kids’ mental health, developmental and educational needs.

    Call or email CLEAR today to schedule a web-based consultation with the licensed clinical psychologists who developed www.cleape.com.

    Consultations can be scheduled quickly, sometimes within the same day. The cost is $99 for an hour of personalized time with experts focused on helping your family succeed.

    CLEAR can help. Receive help for your child quickly and from the comfort of your own home.

    CLEAR Child Psychologists can help you with strategies and resources to help your child use the toilet!

    Call: 303-222-7923

    Email: dr.harrison@clearchildpsychology.com

    Website: www.clearchildpsychology.com